Parents around the world are reinventing education by opening Acton Academies. Are you ready to join the revolution?

Who we are

Hi! My name is Matina Hunnell, co-founder of Evergreen: An Acton Academy. I always knew my children would be ok in traditional school. The question that plagued me was if traditional school or even homeschooling was the best education I could provide my children. I didn’t want to settle for just ok – I wanted excellence.

In my heart I believed there had to be a better way! The idea of homework, frequent tests, sitting in a classroom all day, and conforming to a school agenda felt to me like I was wasting my children’s time and limiting their potential. Overall we were happy with the private school our daughter had attended for the past three years, but I still often wondered if we had really tapped into her full potential. I have also been a music instructor for the past 12 years, and have craved a style of teaching that could better inspire the grit, passion and potential I knew each child possessed. As fate would have it, I attended a professional development conference put on by the school where I was teaching; the co-founder of Acton Academy, Laura Sandefer, was a keynote speaker. It is hard to put into words how profound that moment was when I learned about the student-driven learning model she and her husband pioneered. That day I became empowered with the hope of a better way for my children and students and I am so excited to share it with you.

Acton Academy is a nonprofit foundation which helps parents open schools worldwide. Acton co-founders, Jeff and Laura Sandefer, opened the first Acton in Austin, Texas 10 years ago to create a more robust education for their two sons. They have taken their best practices and learning philosophies and are helping other like-minded families open micro-schools all over the world.

If you are ready to reinvent education for your family, I encourage you to request the free info kit and begin exploring this transformative educational philosophy. I look forward to meeting your family.


Our Promises to Your Child

  • Begin a Hero’s Journey.
  • Learn to be a curious, independent, lifelong learner.
  • Develop a deep respect for economic, political and religious freedoms.
  • Cherish the arts, wonders of the physical world and the mysteries of life on Earth.
  • Discover his or her most precious gifts and learn to use them to solve difficult problems.

Our Beliefs

  • We believe each child has a gift that can change the world in a profound way.
  • We believe in a closely connected family of lifelong learners.
  • We believe in learning by knowing, learning by doing and learning by being.
  • We believe in economic, religious, and political freedom.